Restaurant Cecio in Corniglia Italy | Reader Recommendation
We’re Australians who have just arrived back from Italy, where we spent three magnificent days in CT. We absolutely adored it. We stayed in Corniglia, which I would recommend for two reasons.
* It’s in the middle, so any of the other villages are a day trip away, and
* It’s 343 steps (yes, we counted them) are a disincentive to other travelers, so competition for accommodation and general tourist population is lessened.
We stayed in a gorgeous little place which is actually a restaurant, called Restaurant Cecio which is about 50m down the road to Vernazza. The accommodation was excellent, clean and spacious. And the food was divine. CT is the home of pesto, and I’ve never had better. There was also a little coffee shop in town where we had superb cappuccino every morning with our brioche.
It really was a highlight of our trip and certainly my favorite place in Italy. Coming from the land of beaches, the Mediterranean was a welcome break from the crowded cities, although the pebbly beach did take a bit of getting used to.
Keep up the good work on the site.
Victoria Strike