My tip in Switzerland: Gimmelwald
The Lauterbrunnen valley, looking Northwest. Gimmelwald is marked on top of the cliff. The peak of the Schilthorn is shrouded in cloud.
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In the very heart of the Swiss Alps, perched high on the edge of a cliff lies the tiny, timeless, sleepy village of Gimmelwald.
Accessible only via the Lauterbrunnen valley, which runsview from the Tanzbödeli (54448 bytes) south of Interlaken, this isolated community lives on dairy farming and a few tourists that find there way to this little alpine retreat. Gimmelwald is at 4500 ft and is reached by cable car up a 1000 ft cliff. No cars are allowed.
There are many lovely hikes and spectacular views down the valley and up to the snowy peaks. The alps here are the way you imagine them, goats and cows wandering about, flowers blooming and the mountains spread out above green fields.
I have been going there for several years for weekend getaways, from the flat lands of middle Switzerland where I live.
Gimmelwald is a quickly and easily accessible place in the alps. There are many other beautiful spots, for example in the Vallis, Graubünden and central Switzerland.

WARNING: This document has been written in the hope that it would be useful. There is absolutely no warranty on the content.
The aim of this website is to share my good experiences with other people. I am not affiliated with any body or any organization in Gimmelwald.
PLEASE HELP ME with further information.
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