Firenza Continental Hotel, Cinque Terre Italy – Reader Feedback
Thanks so much for the web site. It was very helpful in planning our trip.
We just got back yesterday 5/25/00. We had a room booked in Vernazza but got there late and they had given our room away. You might want to tell people to be careful about when they need to get there. All, was not lost, we stayed in La Spezia at the newly renovated Firenza Continental and even got the suite on the top floor. It was about half what the room was in Vernazza and was a wonderful room. We just took the train in the mornings to Rio Maggiore and hiked to the other villages. The area is simply amazing!! I would tell anyone to go in a minute.
Thanks Again!
Jimmy and Jennifer Helms
Terrible news. Im so shocked to hear it. I just got back a few days ago from this pardaise! Its such a shame it is now no more. I guess we got lucky this time, and I hope everyone else out there will be ok.